Titanium Update #6 — Mainnet Swap 24.02.2022(!)
We will make this nice and short: The time has come — Mainnet Swap is finally around the corner, with many months of delay, so we are not going to beat around the bush any longer. We are excited to begin with our long anticipated Mainnet Swap, kindly find all relevant dates in the timeline below.
Mainnet Swap — Timeline
Important: All the existing TTUM (BEP20) will be converted into TTM (Mainnet Coins). Only the tokens held on SouthXchange are eligible for the swap, be sure to have them on there. Here are the dates:
22.02.2022 — Announcement Day
24.02.2022 — Withdrawals/Deposits close 13:00 UTC
24.02.2022 — Trading Stop + Snapshot 14:00 UTC
If you haven’t done so — Register now: https://www.southxchange.com/
Any question, please reach out to us via the usual Social Media channels:
Telegram: https://t.me/titaniumblocks
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Titanium_org
Discord: https://discord.gg/cZmQase